Policy Advisory Committee
What does the Committee do?
The committee reviews and provides input/advice on matters regarding service policies and accessibility issues related to public transportation services for persons with physical disabilities.
Who chairs the Committee do?
The committee is chaired by the Manager of Client Services division of Winnipeg Transit.
When does the Committee meet?
The PAC was established by Council in 2004 and meets on the first Monday of the month, or at the call of the chair as required. This is a volunteer opportunity, and members are appointed to three year terms.
Current PAC Members & Contact Information:
Debby McLeod
Manitoba League for Persons with Disabilities
Thor Sigurdson
Spinal Cord Injury Manitoba Inc. representative
Vivi Dabee
Program Lead, Advocacy and Community Outreach, Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Connie Newman
Executive Director, Manitoba Association of Senior Centres
Serena Bittner
Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS)