There is an upcoming schedule change on Dec 15, 2024
Trip Cancellations
We understand that cancelling a trip is necessary from time to time. Cancelling your trip well in advance allows us to make every effort to fill cancelled spots by redirecting vehicles to other customers who need our service.
However, not all cancelled trips can be filled. When this occurs, it increases the cost of providing service. Also, booking trips that are later cancelled may prohibit other customers from accessing Transit Plus.
If you must cancel a trip, please call 204-986-5711 or the Contact Centre as soon as you know that you no longer require the trip, and at minimum prior to 5 p.m. the day before you are scheduled to travel. Cancelling by 5 p.m. the day before your trip allows Transit Plus to provide service to another customer.
Rides must be cancelled at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled pick up time. Rides that are not cancelled at least 30 minutes before the scheduled pick up time will be considered no-shows.